Your end-to-end framework for a reliable Ignition SCADA project – plug-and-play tools and the plan to implement them.


If this sounds like your operation…

Scattered data sources

Insufficient data to solve problems

No scalable architecture

Different devices and data structures

Unclear/missing documentation

Limited visibility into production

Scattered data sources

Insufficient data to solve problems

No scalable architecture

Different devices and data structures

Unclear/missing documentation

Limited visibility into production

… let’s take you to data-driven decision-making and problem-solving

You’ve read nothing new so far, but here’s a twist. Introducing…


You get a centralised repository that holds all of your templates for various SCADA elements.

Enuda, The Template

Digital transformation projects are complex, so we developed a roadmap to help us navigate the standard steps that most projects share.

Enuda_How Infographics-03

All of it, following an advanced agile methodology.

“We wanted to get access to data quickly and easily. In that regard, the project has been a success so far.”

“I would recommend Enuda for the team’s technical capabilities. They immediately identified the problem, figured out how to get into the system and get data out of it, and built a solution that allows us to access the data and actually use it to meet our business goals.”

– Andres Abildgaard, Halsnæs Forsyning

How is this framework different and why should you care?

Don’t start a solution from scratch

Customisable templates for the front-end and back-end elements of a standard SCADA.

A roadmap to guide the project

A clear, customised plan to get to your goals without headaches and wasted resources.

Templating as a mindset

Templates can be replicated, reducing variations and enhancing operational consistency and scalability.

Find out more about the SCADA Project Framework

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