From project management to the tech nitty-gritty, pick our brains to remove uncertainty, avoid errors, and create a clear action plan for your Ignition project.

Right now, you probably have:

A messy architecture with scattered data sources

Non-standardised data structures

Plenty of bottlenecks in the daily operations

All of which would’ve been solved if you had access to real-time key data from one single source of truth. So, you want access to data in one place, and functionalities that turn that data into knowledge.

The complexity of the project and the hoops you’d have to go through from a tech and management perspective are uncomfortable: you’re worried about price, risks, and the responsibility of turning company resources into results. More than anything, you’re worried that you don’t know how to organise it all without making a mess – from a scalable architecture to the proper (consistent and uniform) implementation across multiple sites and lines.


You want a consultant, a trusted advisor, and a partner that can get your project from A to Z.

But you have all sorts of questions…

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What does a scalable architecture that connects everything look like?

How do we make this work within our existing ecosystem, with legacy equipment and validated processes?

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How to deal with historical data?

What do you do with the metadata?

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How do you make data from different sources fit well into the UNS following ISA-95?

And finally, how do you build a Unified Namespace?

we have a video about that, by the way

We can help with easy-to-understand answers, tailored to your specific situation.

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“As of 2024, we have cooperated with Enuda over a period of five years.”

“The effort is related to the implementation and rollout of a new SCADA solution based on the Ignition platform from Inductive Automation. As a water utility company with an inventory of 2.500+ installation sites, we expect the project to continue until 2025 – or even longer.

The cooperation with Enuda is most rewarding. Their staff is highly competent regarding the platform and the technical issues involved, and as a partner, we find them open and forthcoming, quality-oriented, reliable, and easy to work with.

In my 30+ years as a project manager, I have not before seen a project of this magnitude and complexity running so smoothly.”

– Hans-Henrik Kaaber (Team lead, Digitalization), Novafos A/S

We have years of experience in agile project management in the industry, and we’re using it all to help you:

Mitigate risks

Achieve faster time-to-market

Make sure the business impact of the initiative is positive and clear

Respond to changes quickly

Meet deadlines and deliver as promised

Coordinate and train teams


Practical Action

If you’re here, it’s likely that you have two ideas: you want to build a smart solution and you’re considering Ignition to do it. Consequently, you have two associated challenges: you don’t know how to get started and how Ignition can help. We say: start as small as possible, prove value, build in parallel, and focus on solving the daily practical problems on the plant floor using Ignition to get data flowing seamlessly.


In decision-making, architecture, project management, and, last but not least, in the relationship with you. What that looks like for Enuda, a company that operates without the pressure of outside investment:
– quick decisions without 5 layers of bureaucracy to navigate, – an adaptable approach because there are no strict rules and frames within which we need to operate,
– ad-hoc solutions to unforeseen problems,
– easier, faster communication,
– a stronger, more supportive relationship between us and the client


We’re not just aiming for that infamous “client satisfaction” that companies often pat themselves on their shoulders with,
essentially bragging about making a promise and delivering on it, which is… you know… silly. It’s nothing out of the ordinary. It’s a given. Or it should be. It certainly is for us, which means that we aim even higher now, and the aim is your success. You’re the person in charge of making this happen in your company, and the stakes are pretty high. You should be able to go to your stakeholders and say “hey, this is what we wanted to do, and we’ve done it”. You’re the hero of the story, not us – we’re just the guides who are happy to be involved and help you turn yourself into a success story.

We’ve been working only with Ignition for 6+ years for many reasons, but one we deeply enjoy is this:

the opportunity to guide your Ignition project to success.

There’s nothing like the satisfaction of being able to share our knowledge and seeing results that make your life and work easier.

Looking forward to doing that with you.

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