The Logbook: Get What you Want, Not Just What You Can
Published on: Jun 16, 2021

“Hmmm, that would be so much more efficient. Can we have it?”, asks the wide-eyed hopeful manager. 

“I don’t think so, there’s no option for it.”, the tech guy answers, disappointed. 

Too often, managers and engineers in the industrial environment settle for what they can get out of their SCADA solutions. Either the SCADA system is old and outdated, or the IT solution has very limited functionalities.

You lose enormous amounts of money, time, and resources on something that could be so much better with the right team and platform. 

Our client, a district heating company, experienced that first-hand. 

And today, we’re telling you the story of how they were amazed by all the possibilities Ignition brings, frequently asking for more functionalities… 

And we created for them exactly what they wanted, all customised to their needs. 

The Challenge

It was pretty straightforward: they had an old SCADA system, as well as other supporting IT systems along with pdf files and excel sheets. None of it was connected and all of it had to be updated manually.

So, they wanted to move their plants and SCADA to Ignition. 

Additionally, they wanted a logbook or a journal, where they can store all kinds of relevant information the employees need, and it should be connected to the SCADA system. 

It had to be intuitive and easily accessible. 

Our Solution

It started with a small idea: we need something to store information from the process. So, Grisbel was on it. 

We built just that, but there’s a catch: Ignition is only the front-end, while a database is doing all the hard work behind the scenes. The database communicates with Ignition. 

Grisbel did most of the coding and Jessica took care of the design to make sure our solution is interactive and understandable for everyone. 

When our client saw how amazing and practical Ignition and our work are, they asked for more add-ons. 

So, we created them. 

But let’s not leave words do all the work, check out some pictures of how the logbook looks today: 

The Main Window – Logbook

Logbook – Main Window

When you open the Logbook, you get the main screen. This is where you can see the entries and many other options that will help you get the exact information you want. 

An entry contains the following:

  1. Plant name
  2. Department
  3. Section
  4. Assigned to
  5. Type of work
  6. Date
  7. Physical info
  8. Entry ID
  9. Employee ID
  10. Details section

The entries are editable (when you save one, it goes directly to the database), and they show you exactly what you need to know. Choose any plant you want from the list, and the displayed information changes to match the selected plant. 

  • Assign a task to an employee, and they’ll see it when they log in.
  • The intuitive Search function automatically presents information that matches the letters/words you type in the box. 
  • Send the entry to someone. It shows you a PDF preview of the information, and you choose the people you want to send it to via email. 
Send entry
  • You can apply filters to get only the information you’re interested in. 

Once you apply a filter, the entries are automatically sorted by the chosen parameters. 

For example, you can display only the entries from a certain plant or in a certain period of time. 

Or, you can find out the answer to questions like “How many failures on this plant in this period of time?”

Of course, you can remove the filters and go back if you want to. 

Filters applied
  • Create reports for the chosen day/week/month. It’s all just one click away.
  • Visualise and access the alarms from the SCADA system in the Logbook. 

The second window – plant info

Plant info window

Here, you can choose any plant you want and get all the information about it, as well as the responsible employee for it. 

The Outcomes

“Hmmm, that would be so much more efficient. Can we have it?”, asks the wide-eyed hopeful manager.  

Remember this image of the manager who asks a question that could change the course of his operation?

Now, the answer to the question is YES. 

“It’s no longer a matter of what, it’s a matter of how.”


Before, the SCADA system and the solutions around it were old, outdated, and expensive. Sure, it worked fine, but it was terribly limited. 

Our client now enjoys a practical, easy-to-use, accessible, and affordable solution that shares essential information with the organisation. 

  • The staff can pass on relevant information to the next shift.
  • They can easily see their assigned tasks and the plants they’re responsible for.
  • They can access the exact information they need from all plants/departments/sections very fast. 

Favourite features

Grisbel’s favourite features are: 

  • The reports – you can create and send them on demand, or you can schedule them.
  • The SCADA system sends the alarms from plants directly to the Logbook, where you easily access everything. 

Don’t settle for less…

Here at Enuda, we love being free to build the most effective solutions that make your life easier. 

You shouldn’t have to be restricted to do only what you can with your systems. Your operation’s success depends on its efficiency and effectiveness, and you’re probably the one that takes the hit if it’s not the best. 

Everything can be connected, affordable, and specifically tailored to your needs. Go after what you want – it’ll be a game-changer for your organisation. 

Don’t waste any more time. Improve your operation today. 

Contact Us to get started

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